From Robert : My address in Arnona is Rehov Yisrael Eldad 8, Apt. 33, 6th Floor. Tel. 02-6711536; 054-3060519. For those who are not totally familiar with the neighborhood, Eldad is a semi-circular street, one block east of Betar, It opens onto Betar in two places. Building 8 is located in the middle of the street, at the north corner of Eldad and Shneior Peleg--a small dead end street that touches the Betar sidewalk but does not permit vehicle access from Betar. It is directly across from the Community Center. Parking is usually available on street or in the Community Center lot.
About Barbara Kingsolver
Here's Philip Roth's own description of his book: "The Human Stain" Here is another listing: "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" by Mary Ann Shaffer, Sunday, September 17th9/17/2017
From Robert: My address in the Arnona neighborhood is Yisrael Eldad 8, Apartment 33. There are doorbells between the mailboxes and the main entranace, which is normally locked. Ring the bell and I will buzz you in. Take the elevator to the 6th floor. Eldad is a semi-circular street that abuts Betar in two places. Building 8 is in the middle of the street, across from the community center. There is usually on-street parking or parking in the community center lot. Coming from the North, take Derech Hevron to Hanoch Albeck, which becomes Betar when it crosses Yanovski (or take Derech Hevron to Yanovski; left on Yanovski, up the hill, right on Betar). Eldad is the second left after Yanovski. Coming from the South, take Derech Hevron to Yanovski; right on Yanovski (turning lane before the intersection) up the hill, right on Betar; Eldad is the second left after Yanovski. I will be serving dessert:: coffee, tea, soft drinks; cake, fruit, ice cream. Please let me know of any food allergies or restrictions, such as nuts, gluten free, sugar free, lactose intolerance. Other resources about the book: WGBH Forum,
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